The Power of You

You got into your field because you wanted to make a difference, because your work had meaning.

But along the way, you’ve lost some of your spark. Your job can be draining.

I understand that.

Over time, your imperfections have been revealed. But that’s OK.

Imperfection creates choice, and choice creates the opportunity for learning.

Follow the clues of what you love, what you’re good at, and where you feel flow.

Reorient yourself to the power of you

Where are the moments you feel calm?

Where are the moments you feel confident?

What are the tasks that when you’re in flow, time flies by, and other people wonder how you did that?

Where are the places in your life where you feel gratitude and abundance?

These places and moments are where you’re at your best. 

You are unique

I can help you discover something new about yourself, something you can apply to work and home life.

One great place to start is the StandOut strengths assessment.

It’s free.

I didn’t create it, but I love it.

It’s much more than any four-letter code indicating your type. It’s an assessment of your strengths and how you show up when you’re under stress and not operating at optimal focus.

I take your learning and development seriously. It’s why I got into coaching.

I have faith in your potential.

Let me help you reorient yourself to the person you used to be, and help you follow the clues of what you love. What if you had someone on your side who’s got your back? 

Text me at 757.581.0054 or email me and let’s have a chat about the power of you. 

Get in touch

Let’s develop an effective fundraising plan, boost the performance of your team, ensure your organization’s sustainability, and overcome your leadership challenges by examining your mindset now. Contact me today!


Carrying a Heavy Burden